Ensuring that all the children who attend The Hive are always safe and well cared for by qualified staff attentive to their needs even in unlikely or emergency situations is very important to us. We have the following policies in place to ensure that both parents and staff know what what our procedures are. All our policies are covered in our in-house training with staff and are dynamically reviewed and updated throughout the year. Please click on the links below to read and download the policies.
The Hive Safeguarding Policies
Risk Assessments
Working with children in the outdoors safely involves a deep awareness of potential risks, as well as a strict process for all activities. We carry out regular generic risk assessments as well as a dynamic risk assessment at the beginning of each day and each activity. Our latest generic risk assessment is below. Please click on the link to read and download the document.
The Hive Generic Risk Assessment
Public Liability Insurance
The Hive has a £5m ‘Forest School’ Public Liability + £5m Product LiabilityInsurance from Birnbeck Insurance. Our insurance policy is available to view and download below.
The Hive Insurance Policy
Most Recent Ofsted Reports
Our Eltham College camp was last inspected in July 2016 and found to be compliant. Our Sevenoaks Prep and Merchant Taylors' School camps were inspected in July-August 2023 and found to be compliant. The compliance reports are below. Our JAGS and St George's College camps haven't been inspected to date. Compliance reports will be added when they are.
The Hive at Sevenoaks Prep Compliance Report
The Hive at Merchant Taylors' School Compliance report
Staff Code of Conduct
The aim of our Team Code of Conduct is to provide clear guidance about the behaviours and actions we expect from our teams in order not to place children or adults at risk of harm or of allegation of harm.
It also aims to help teams working with children understand their role and responsibilities, as well as work safely and responsibly:
● For the protection and benefit of the children and young people in their care
● For their own protection, minimising allegations
● To better understand their own standards and practice
The Hive Team Code of Conduct